Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to Stay Motivated...

This question comes from a current Pi Phi undergrad (who will remain anonymous)... but I felt it was important to share because I think it's something we all go through!:"How did you stay so involved in Pi Phi when you were's getting really hard to be motivated to be into it. Just looking for worldly advice from an 'elder'."


  1. Here was my response to her directly!

    About staying involved, it's definitely tough! Just remember that you're shaping the foundation of future years of Pi Phi to come. I know you all are dealing with a lot right now (graduation, senior project classes, getting jobs, applying to grad school, and then Greek Life and Pi Phi stuff on top of that) and it's up to the elders in the chapter to set the best example possible of what it is to be a fabulous Pi Phi.

    Also, it's much easier when you surround yourself with those doing the same thing! Adrianne, Katie, and I were all inseparable when we were in our positions b/c we were all leading the chapter as best we could. It really helps to be with people to understand that!

    Also, let the younger members know what you're into and invite them to share! I see a lot of girls now doing things I used to be a part of it and makes me so happy to know that I made positive impressions on them.

  2. I completely understand where you are coming from, that last year and especially that last semester feels like it will never end! All that I can recommend is to just cooperate and be a good member, it will make your life easier as well as all the younger member's lives.
    Being a collegiate member is something you have for a maximum of four years, after that, it will never be the same. Right now that may not feel special, but why not make the best of it, because you will never be able to get that time back.
    Okay, I'm done being sappy, but you're in the enjoy it! :-)
