Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome Pi Phi Alums!

As Adrianne and I were preparing our notes for what we wanted to talk about at tonight's Senior Transition / Alternative meeting things just kept popping into our heads. There is so much we want to share with you all about what we've learned in the short time that has passed since we were Pi Phi Senior. So much in fact, that we figured this would be a better way for us to offer tips and stories as we go... instead of cramming it into a quick dinner meeting at the Olive Garden.

Our first lesson that stems directly from this blog... is learning the importance of being up-to-date on technology. If you don't know what a RSS feed or Feed Burner is... google it now. If you don't know what the term "google it" means... you're going to need to pay EXTRA attention.

PPL & lots of M,
Lil Lisa


  1. lisa this is such a great idea..i know the girls will really appreciate it. hope you're doing well. i miss you and i def. think we should grab coffee or dinner sometime and catch up!

  2. Lisa & Adrianne,
    Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to come talk to the current NC Delta seniors! We are so excited to hear how well you guys have been doing since graduation. We miss everyone who has graduated soooooooo much!

    Kelly Russell

  3. I don't completely remember what the "homework" was from the senior meeting the other night. I don't know that it was to go on here. And yes I do already have a non ncsu email but rarely check it.
